United We March Forward: Nonprofit Organization Supporting Community Empowerment Services and Educational Programs for Immigrants
Become a Kikao Member
Strengthen our local economy and build a brighter future by investing in immigrants and refugees. Your support can make a lasting difference by helping newcomers achieve the American Dream. With your unrestricted contribution, you empower immigrants in Eastern Iowa through nonprofit organization support, community empowerment services, and educational programs for immigrants. Programs include food pantries, driver's education, English classes, urban gardening, and life skills workshops. Join us in creating stronger, more vibrant communities where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Together, we can make a real impact—your contribution today will change lives for tomorrow.
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Events include ethnic food.
PLEDGE / $50mo
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Language Lessons.
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PLEDGE / $100mo
Includes Silver & Gold benefits.
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Our Mission
Our mission is to provide hope through education, encouragement, and empowerment to families and communities.
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